Join 120,000+ students
Meet your instructor
At the heart of our video course is our lead instructor, a visionary who dreams of every student having research opportunities
Our offerings
Transform from novice to expert in science research. We offer free resources to help every student get started, and have paid coaching available to help foster students' potential.
ScienceFair.io Video Guides
Taught by Rishab Jain, a student researcher at Harvard, these videos have helped over 120,000+ students start science research. For free. On YouTube.
7 lessons
2 hours
ScienceFair.io Curriculum
Written by past science fair winners, our science fair curriculum is the world's most extensive resource for students interested in science research. For free.
5 lessons
3 hours
ScienceFair.io Tools
We've spent hundreds of hours crafting a suite of tools for youth researchers and science fair competitors.
5 tools
Register in 10 secs
Paid Program $995
ScienceFair.io A-Z Masterclass
ScienceFair.io CEO & Founder, Rishab Jain, has one of the most extensive science fair records ever. From back-to-back 1st place finishes at the National JSHS reaching the limit on possible prize money to win, to a 1st Place + Regeneron Young Scientist Award at ISEF, Rishab has mastered the art of science fair and collected years of data about science fair.
In this Masterclass, Rishab has teamed up with other past science fair winners to create a science fair formula to help you win.
40+ lessons
5+ hours
Paid Programs $699 - $3149
ScienceFair.io Coaching
3-18 Zoom calls
1 week - 1 year of support