Elite Science Fair Coaching
We'll help you craft a standout science fair project to win 1st Place
Get personalized mentorship from a past winner of the science fair you are competing in. Not gurus or consultants.
Regeneron ISEF
Regeneron ISEF
ScienceFair.io has 10+ past 1st Place winners from Regeneron ISEF and other national science fairs.
Middle School Contests
Middle School Contests
ScienceFair.io has 10+ winners of the 3M YSC, Broadcom MASTERS, Thermofisher JIC, and other competitions!
Junior Science & Humanities Symposium
Junior Science & Humanities Symposium
ScienceFair.io has 10+ past 1st Place National JSHS winners in both the oral & poster categories.
...and more! Sciencefair.io mentors have also gone on to win Google Science Fair, Davidson, STS, and other prizes!
Our Offerings

A-Z Science Fair Masterclass

A-Z Science Fair Masterclass

The ScienceFair.io CEO & Founder, Rishab Jain, has one of the most extensive science fair records ever. From back-to-back 1st place finishes at the National JSHS reaching the limit on possible prize money to win, to a 1st Place + Regeneron Young Scientist Award at ISEF, Rishab has mastered the art of science fair and collected years of behind-the-scenes secrets.

In this Masterclass, Rishab has teamed up with other past science fair winners to offer an unbeatable formula to win.

ScienceFair.io Coaching Calls

ScienceFair.io Coaching Calls

Imagine if you had a big buddy who competed in the exact same science fair as you, and won 1st Place who was there to not only give you personalized science fair advice, but specific tips on how to bag the science fair you're competing at. ScienceFair.io received 200+ applications from top science fair winners around the world, and selected just 10 top mentors who have each several national or international finishes, and are ready to help mentor the next generation of highly motivated students to science fair success.