Ultimate Guide to Study for the AP Computer

Apr 5, 2024

John Doe

Introduction The AP Computer Science Principles Exam is typically one of the first AP tests that students take.

It can also have a lot of intricate components to it, from the AP project to the long-paragraph form MCQs to the infamous pseudocode.

Especially as of 2024 with the new form of the project analysis questions, there is much angst in the air about how to study for the test.

Today, we will be guiding you through everything there is to know about the AP Computer Science Principles Exam, teaching you the ins and outs of what you need to do in order to score a perfect

5. What is AP Computer Science Principles?

Should I Even Take the Exam?

AP Computer Science Principles is a beginner-friendly" AP class that introduces elementary level concepts of coding, computing, and the digital world to students.

Although there aren't specific requirements on what coding language students must employ in the class, it typically surveys Python or block-coding (if you're school teaches block-coding though then we HIGHLY recommend either moving up to AP Computer Science A or switching schools).

The class consists of 4 units, including a mix of both projects and tests as well as a cumulative mid-term and final.

Although AP CSP is thought of as one of the easiest AP classes out there, it still is logic-intensive and requires a fully activated brain and attention span during class.

Now, there are some AP classes where the sole purpose of the class is to prepare students for the AP exam, and there are other AP classes (like AP Precalculus) where the primary purpose of the class is to prepare students for a higher level of study (AP Calculus).

AP CSP falls under the category of the former, and is one of the few special AP classes that mandate both a project with written analysis questions as well as a multiple choice portion.

Most years, the project is worked on completely remotely and during class time (for at least 9 hours) without any non-digital help allowed outside of one's team, and the analysis portion of the project is sent to College Board for grading separately before the actual AP test.

However, this year (2024) College Board is trying out some different.

While still maintaining the remote project construction phase, the analysis of specific parts of the code is done on demand on the day of the AP test.

Because this is the first year that College Board is trying this out, it is difficult to predict how this all may factor in to affect the difficulty of the exam, but the priority regardless for student should still be on preparing for the multiple choice questions.

Finally, taking the AP test for AP CSP (or its elder brother AP Computer Science Advanced) reaps some of the greatest benefits out of all of the AP classes offered.

For one, like many other APs, most colleges accept AP credit for successfully achieving a 3 or higher on the AP exam.

This helps students in CS majors or some other STEM majors move on to more difficult computer science classes after already knowing the basics and either graduating early or gaining more opportunities in college (or both!).

Additionally, the skills learned in AP CSP, especially as of the modern day, are increasingly more relevant to the masses and will serve students well regardless of the major that they choose.

Besides the obvious point that coding and data science skills introduced in the class can build the foundational skills valued in almost any job or corporate position, learning about the Digital Divide and the different types of social engineering exploits can help make students tech-savvy and aware of the cruelty present in the digital world.

Avoiding and remedying such ailments is a noble pursuit that many dedicate their whole lives towards, and it can all start in this class with this test.

AP Computer Science Principles

- What is On the Exam?

Okay, now for the fun part.

For the students who self-study for the exam, which is a large quantity of the test-takers, it is critical that you understand everything that you will be tested on.

For those taking the assessment from a class, don't tune this out either

- the timing on this test isn't the most gracious for some, and this is one of the few AP tests where the material taught in class is exceeded by the depth of the material covered on the exam.

Here is the format, according to College Board: Section I: End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Exam70 multiple-choice questions | 120 minutes | 70% of score | 4 answer options 57 single-select multiple-choice 5 single-select with reading passage about a computing innovation 8 multiple-select multiple-choice: select 2 answers Section II: Create Performance Task and Written Response30% of score Create performance task program code, video, and student-authored Personalized Project Reference | 9 hours in-class | 10% of score 2 written response questions (in person) | 60 minutes | 20% of score That's barbaric!?

Written response questions that we have to anticipate the day of?

How devious?!

Fret not, young one, for there are sample responses from the past that may help fan away your internal fumes, found on the College Board website below: https://apcentral. collegeboard. org/courses/ap-computer-science-principles/exam How to Study for the AP Computer Science Principles Exam However, it's not enough to just know what's going to be on the test.

You must learn it!

So how should you actually go about actually studying for this exam?

Well, the answer is simple: practice, practice, practice.

But not just any practice

- you must employ a specific practice routine that ensures success.

First thing’s first, you MUST ensure that you understand ALL the material at hand.

If you don’t understand a specific topic or subtopic, ask your computer science teacher for help or watch videos through Khan Academy or YouTube that help clarify the topic.

Then, for all of these specific topics, do not broaden your scope and just prioritize completing problems on the exact issue you are facing.

For example, let's say that you don't understand how packets of data travel through the Internet.

Rather than going back and studying the entire unit about the Internet of Things, it would be much more optimal for you to simply pinpoint the specific lesson that talks about encrypting data, routers, modems, etc. and then re-study those questions.

After that, practice the questions associated with that specific concept.

Finally, only once you've done all of that, it is permissible for you to move on to practicing the concepts of the overall unit and reinforcing your newly-learned knowledge on a broader scale.

If you repeat this for all of the material that you find unclear, only then can we guarantee that you understand everything in time for the test.

Next, once you’ve understood all of the topics that were not lucid to you, take as many practice tests as you can.

Once again, if past college board practice tests aren’t doing the trick for you, seek out practice exams in Khan Academy or ask your computer science teacher for some (often times practices tests are embedded into the curriculum as well to have you covered).

You could even make your own or generate some with AI (although I will warn you, it is not always the most accurate so this should be a last resort).

Only after you feel confident with what you’ve practiced and are so incredibly mind-numbed that you can define abstraction in your sleep should you take a break.

It will be hard, it will be painful, but trust me it will be worth it. "Simplicity, carried to the extreme, becomes elegance. "

- Jon Franklin, Computer Scientist Final Thoughts: What to Do on Exam Day You made it to exam day.

You're ready, and now is not the time to second guess your abilities.

You have done everything in your power until this day to ensure success, and even if you haven't, it is not the time to start and give yourself a miniature heart attack.

Instead, the morning of the exam, focus your attention on ensuring that all of your materials are ready.

This includes MULTIPLE pencils and MULTIPLE erasers for the scratch work.

On top of that, try packing a snack for before the test to supply you with that last minute energy boost.

Now, as a student myself, I know that you may be groaning at that piece of advice.

I personally have a knot formed in my stomach every time before a critical exam, one that even the most fibrous of granola bars doesn't make it through.

However, if you are ALSO like me, food that doesn't necessarily have to be healthy, when consumed at periodic moments throughout the day, delivers massive rushes of dopamine to the brain.

That dopamine, coupled with a few deep breaths and moments of closing one's eyes and resting one's mind before the exam, is what pumps people up and gets them hyper-focused for an exam.

Capitalize on that.

Additionally, if at any point before the exam, you realize that you forgot what the different types of malware are or what latency is, don't fret!

You caught yourself before the test, and should be relieved!

Just calmly find a YouTube video online and watch a tutorial on how to do that specific concept.

In most cases, it would be something that you already knew how to do that nerves drained out of you, and recognition of how to do it will come almost instantly.

Finally, if you still have waves of anxiety flowing through your body, try to put things into perspective.

If you don't get the score that you want, you don't have to send it to colleges.

It's not the end of the world, and will not significantly affect your admissions chances anyways!

Besides, everybody knows that AP tests aren't the best measure of your intelligence anyways, as they are often skewed by College Board and are ultimately just a ploy to make money.

So relax

- you've got this!

Go get that

5. Go show yourself what you've got left inside of you.

Let's do some computer science.

Resource: Interested in STEM?

If you made it to the end of this article, then chances are you are a student who is either a) extremely dedicated and wants to succeed in life, b) passionate about STEM and wants to pursue it in some shape or form, or c) all of the above.

Regardless, if you are interested in extending your STEM knowledge in Computer Science or any other field to the next level, check out our FREE research guide and opportunities course below: https://www. rishabacademy. com/guide.

Start your research journey today