The Complete High School Science Fair Blueprint to
Mar 6, 2024
John Doe
Science research is a great way to stand out in high school.
With programs and colleges looking to see if you have experience in these unique fields, Science Fair is a great way to prove the achievements earned in Science Research.
Science Fair gives you the opportunity to learn valuable presentation skills.
This is mainly because of the prestigious fairs that participate in.
In addition, you gain connections, awards, and publications that add weight to your resume.
With all of these benefits why would you not choose to take part in Science Fair?
This guide highlights the process of getting started and winning at the Science Fair.
Getting Started in Research Students can submit either individual work or work with a team of up to team.
In addition, many students work with a mentor.
For ISEF, students submit work in the following categories here.
Using the categories as a guide, you could view the areas that you find interest in, and explore existing research that you find fascinating.
To think of ideas watch this video, where Rishab Jain (ISEF Regeneron Young Scientist Winner) gives tips and tricks. https://youtu. be/AEgL_sjoE4o?si=wFLwhEw9aO9pgbEg To better understand the basics of Science Research and getting a Research mentor view the following two articles. https://rishabacademy. com/2024/03/04/how-to-get-a-science-research-mentor-as-a-high-schooler https://rishabacademy. com/2024/03/06/how-to-cold-email-as-a-high-school-student Qualifying Fairs (Regionals/State/Nationals) To get to the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), students must first place well at qualifying fairs.
The ISEF Finalist title is only given to the best of the best, this typically consists of the Best of Fair Winners of these qualifying fairs.
The number of spots in each of the fairs is determined by the competition at the respective fairs.
With that being said, if you aim to be an ISEF Finalist it is very important to sell your project.
You must have knowledge, passion, and a WOW factor Especially in projects consisting of the presence of a mentor, sometimes students forget the mechanics behind the project.
It is important to understand everything from the reason your work is important to how this can actually be applied.
Do not just end with what has been done, but what needs to be done so that this work has achieved its goals.
The judges look for passion for Science Research.
Science Fair is similar to Shark Tank, in which you pitch your project for placement instead of funding.
The more passion you display, the more the judges become involved in your presentation.
Everyone has a part of the project which they adore.
Go deep in that area and share that excitement with your judges.
Finally, the WOW factor.
What differentiates your project from other projects in this category?
Did you do something Novel?
Did you solve an significant issue?
Think of what got you into the research in the first place.
For more advice about the Science Fair from two ISEF winners click here.
The Holy Grail: ISEF ISEF is hands down the most prestigious Science Fair event that exists.
Students that simply participate get into some of the top colleges.
Further they make lifelong connections that are so valuable.
These are the smartest kids in the world, so attending is truly an achievement.
To witness how ISEF is firsthand watch this video. https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=ehMrzcH12U4&pp=ygUYcmlzaGFiIGphaW4gc2NpZW5jZSBmYWly Further, winning awards at ISEF are a testament to important research and hard work.
It is important to practice the same skills utilized in the Regionals Fair, but be prepared for much more intense competition.
To learn more about how Rishab won $50,000 at ISEF, watch this video. https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=jD9gi8bX7CA&pp=ygUYcmlzaGFiIGphaW4gc2NpZW5jZSBmYWly Other Opportunities and Remarks Getting involved in Science Fair also gives way to an oasis of STEM competitions.
The research could be presented in competitions such as Junior Science and Humanities Symposium.
This is a great opportunity to win scholarships while showing off your presentation skills.
To learn about more 50+ STEM competitions that include Research visit here.
Get started on your Science Fair Journey today!
To get access to the complete A-Z Science Fair Masterclass visit here.