How to calculate your high school GPA, for

Mar 30, 2024

John Doe

Understanding how to convert your grades to the U.


4. 0 GPA scale is crucial for students applying to American universities.

This guide simplifies converting grades from various educational systems, including the IB, and countries like China, India, the UK, and more, into the GPA format recognized by U.

S. colleges.

International Baccalaureate (IB) IB Scale to

4. 0 GPA: 7 = A+ =

4. 3 6 = A =

4. 0 5 = B =

3. 0 4 = C =

2. 0 3 = D =

1. 0 (Pass) China China Scale to

4. 0 GPA: A (90-100%) =

4. 0 A

- (85-89%) =

3. 7 B+ (82-84%) =

3. 3 B (78-81%) =

3. 0 B

- (75-77%) =

2. 7 C+ (72-74%) =

2. 3 C (68-71%) =

2. 0 C

- (64-67%) =

1. 7 D (60-63%) =

1. 0 (Pass) F (0-59%) =

0. 0 (Fail) India India Scale to

4. 0 GPA: 70% and above =

3. 7


4. 0 (A+/A) 60-69% =

3. 0


3. 7 (A) 50-59% =

2. 0


2. 9 (B+/B) 40-49% =

1. 0


1. 9 (C+/C) Below 40% =

0. 0 (F) United Kingdom (UK) (IGCSE/A levels) UK Scale to

4. 0 GPA: First =

4. 0 (A) Upper Second =

3. 3


3. 7 (A-/B+) Lower Second =

3. 0 (B) Third =

2. 3 (C+) Pass =

2. 0 (C) Spain Spain Scale to

4. 0 GPA: Matrícula de Honor =

4. 0 (A+) Sobresaliente =

4. 0 (A) Notable =

3. 0


3. 7 (B) Aprobado =

2. 0


2. 9 (C/C+) Suspenso =

0. 0


1. 9 (F) France (French Baccalaureate) France Scale to

4. 0 GPA: 18–20 =

4. 0 (A+/A) 16–1

7. 9 =

3. 7 (A-) 14–1

5. 9 =

3. 3 (B+) 12–1

3. 9 =

3. 0 (B) 10–1

1. 9 =

2. 7 (B-) Below 10 =

0. 0


2. 3 (C to F) Germany Germany Scale to

4. 0 GPA:

1. 0 =

4. 0 (A)

2. 0 =

3. 0 (B)

3. 0 =

2. 0 (C)

4. 0 =

1. 0 (D)

5. 0 =

0. 0 (F) Australia Australia Scale to

4. 0 GPA: HD (85% and above) =

4. 0 (A) D (75–84%) =

3. 7 (A-) Cr (65–74%) =

3. 0 (B) P (50–64%) =

2. 0 (C) F (Below 50%) =

0. 0 (F) Singapore Singapore Scale to

4. 0 GPA: A+ (86 and above) =

4. 0 A (83 to 85) =

4. 0 A

- (80 to 82) =

3. 7 B+ (77 to 79) =

3. 3 B (74 to 76) =

3. 0 B

- (70 to 73) =

2. 7 C+ (66 to 69) =

2. 3 C (63 to 65) =

2. 0 C

- (60 to 62) =

1. 7 D+ (53 to 59) =

1. 3 D (50 to 52) =

1. 0 F (49 and below) =

0. 0 Canada Canada Scale to

4. 0 GPA: A+ (95-100%) =

4. 0 A (86-94%) =

4. 0 A

- (80-85%) =

3. 7 B+ (77-79%) =

3. 3 B (74-76%) =

3. 0 B

- (70-73%) =

2. 7 C+ (67-69%) =

2. 3 C (64-66%) =

2. 0 C

- (60-63%) =

1. 7 D+ (57-59%) =

1. 3 D (54-56%) =

1. 0 D

- (50-53%) =

0. 7 F (Below 50%) =

0. 0 Conclusion: Using your GPA And there you have it!

Next time a university or summer program application asks you for your GPA, just use your mental math skills by looking at your transcript to calculate your GPA easily.

Make sure you round it off, so you have a better chance of getting accepted!

Struggling to Raise your Calculated High School GPA?

Join the Rishab Jain Discord Community using the link below in order to join a community of motivated and like-minded STEM individuals that will keep you on track towards raising those grades. https://discord. gg/Wvk57ubdnb.

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